Tag: #Zumiez

Zumiez removes Hinduphobic footwear from its stores after Hindus Protest

7th July 2021 – In an email dated 6th July, the district manager of Zumiez confirmed to the International Hindu Foundation (IHF) that the controversial footwear, showcasing Om and distorted Yoga position, would be taken off the shelf with immediate…

Om Symbol and Distorted Yoga Pose Appears on Slippers at Zumiez; Hindus Angry

5th July 2021 – A clothing and footwear brand Zumiez has sparked controversy and hurt religious sentiments of Hindus by putting footwear with the auspicious Om symbol and distorted Yoga image on sale at their stores and online https://www.zumiez.ca/lurking-class-by-sketchy-tank-white-black-slide-sandals.html One…

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