14th January 2022 – As per the latest Global Leader Approval Ratings published by an independent research and technology company, Morning Consult, the Prime Minister of India Narendra Modi continues to enjoy the highest approval rating of Net 51 among global leaders of top nations.
The latest publication suggested that 72% of the respondents approve of his leadership while 21% did not approve of it. His approval rating has remained pretty much similar to the last ratings published in October 2021. His popularity did take a dip between April-June last year because of the deadly COVID-19 second wave which devastated the nation and took many lives. However, with mass vaccination programs successfully handled by the medical authorities in India, it was able to make a strong comeback against the pandemic.
In the same publication, 69% of the respondents felt that the country is going in the right direction while 31% feel that it is not.
This is how the other global leaders faired as per the latest survey.
Locally, while 59% of Canadian survey participants feel that Canada is going in wrong direction whereas 64% of the American participants feel that the U.S. is moving in the wrong direction. This is a sharp change from the time the government has changed hands in America in January 2021.
For the complete survey details, please visit – https://morningconsult.com/global-leader-approval/