Interview with Kumar Dipanshu on his latest book; Next 5000 Years: Memoir of a Hindu without a Tag

26th July 2021 – In a world which is seeing a Hindu rising, a world where Sanatan Dharma is battling and trying to regain its lost pride, it is important to understand the battlefield we are in. Questions that come to a rational mind could range from how important is the history, how to tackle the present problems and what lies in the future or rather how to prepare for the future. ‘Next 5000 years: Memoir of a Hindu without a Tag’ is one such book which attempts to answer these questions in a unique way. The author, Kumar Dipanshu, is young and dynamic professional based in Toronto with keen interest in Sanatan Dharma. We asked him some questions about his latest book and this is what he had to say.

HTC: Your book has an intriguing title. What made you choose this title?

KD: Shri Krishna revealed Shri Bhagwad Gita to Arjun around 5000 years ago! As Sanatan culture is working towards rediscovering its grand narrative on global stage, it becomes important to look towards the future while taking relevant inspiration from the past. The present is evolving at a rapid pace and so are the challenges faced by our civilization. It is high time to take a stock of evolutionary needs & work on it diligently which would ensure we survive and thrive for ‘Next 5000 Years.’

HTC: Can you give a brief background as to what motivated you to write this book?

KD: As I usually put it, most of the current discourses regarding Sanatan culture are aimed towards ‘preaching the converted’ folks who happen to fall under either ‘Traditional’ or ‘Political’ camps. There is a large population of Hindus who are unable to relate completely to either of the 2 ideologies and are mostly influenced by various touchpoints which usually do not do justice when it comes to conveying the essence of Sanatan culture. My book is an attempt towards fostering a sense of belongingness for every Hindu residing in any part of the world without being made to fit into ancient frameworks.  

HTC: Who have you written this book for? What is your target audience?

KD: The book is mainly aimed at young adults (20-40 yrs.) and all those working in the space of civilizational resurgence in any capacity. If the book can stir up the conversation from the ground up, push its readers to ponder over the points raised and open up avenues for bi-directional communication, the objective of the book will be achieved.

HTC: What kind of problems are you addressing through your book?

KD: The book is a collection of topics and my experiences that have shaped my outlook towards the ongoing discourses for discovering the grand narrative of Sanatan culture. Whether it is about refusing to venture out into unchartered territories for sharing our side of the story or devaluing the importance of technology; whether it is about lackadaisical time management or penchant for fitting individuality into rigid frameworks; the book is an attempt towards pulling the attention of the readers to those probable causes that might be holding us from gaining the position we deserve on the global stage.

HTC: What solutions are you offering to the young/future generation of Hindus?

KD: If the efforts towards civilization resurgence are solely dependent on political tutelage, the future might not bring forth positive outcomes. Also, If the future is merely an attempt to bring to life the workings of the past, the present would hardly accept it. For the survival of Sanatan culture, it is important to think beyond political milestones and refraining from trying too hard to enforce literal translations of the past. Any transformational change would start from the point where we realize the flexibility which Sanatan culture provides us towards our spiritual pursuits and what might pose a challenge to this freedom. Once we acknowledge the difference between our present freedom and impending risks, things would get self-explanatory for most of us.

HTC: We would like to congratulate you for this milestone as a young author. How can one get this book?

KD: The book can be bought at Amazon Canada (

More about the author: Kumar Dipanshu is a marketing professional with keen interests in Human Psychology, Spiritual advancement and World Politics. He has co-founded a couple of start-ups, runs online Shri Bhagwad Gita Discourses for youngsters and loves mentoring budding entrepreneurs. In his spare time, he can be found enhancing his knowledge about Sanatan culture and working closely with young students and professionals, helping them succeed in their career through counselling, job search, soft-skill development and conflict resolution. He is also involved in initiatives focusing on females on a career break to get back to the job market. He dreams of rebuilding the glorious Nalanda Library one day.

2 thoughts on “Interview with Kumar Dipanshu on his latest book; Next 5000 Years: Memoir of a Hindu without a Tag

  1. Divyam Prasad says:

    Nice to know about the book, I am keenly waiting for it’s translated versions in Hindi and other Indian regional languages. I know book is written fir global Hindus and talks about global issues but what is better than getting the global thoughts in local language:)

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