BAPS Swaminarayan Temple in Toronto vandalized, anti-India slogans written on wall

14th September 2022 – Yet again a Hindu temple in Toronto has come under attack. BAPS Swaminaryan Temple which is based in Toronto has been vandalized.

An unverified video has been circulating on social media platforms that show the vandalism on the walls of the temple (click here to see the video). Khalistan Zindabad (Long Live Khalistan) and Hindustan Murdabad (Death to India) can be seen written on the walls.

The Indian High Commission in Canada has condemned the act and has requested Canadian agencies to investigate the attack.

Canadian Hindu MP Chandra Arya was quick to slam the hateful incident. He wrote “this is not just an isolated event. Canadian Hindu temples have been targeted in the recent past by these kinds of hate crime.”

Ontario’s Minister of Citizendship and Multiculturalism, Michael Ford tweeted and expressed his disappointment at the incident. “Acts of vandalism like this at any place of worship will never be tolerated in the Province of Ontario”, he wrote.

Earlier this year, a series of attacks happened at various Hindu temples in Toronto. After that, many Hindu organizations across Canada staged a protest and demanded justice.

Hindu community is under shock and fear after this incident. Some in the community feel that their voice is not well heard by the local agencies and only incidents on some communities are covered by mainstream media outlets.

“This (BAPS) is one of the places which is involved in so many charities. They hosted special COVID-19 clinics during pandemic. I am not sure why so much hate against this temple”, said Ritu, a community member.

6 thoughts on “BAPS Swaminarayan Temple in Toronto vandalized, anti-India slogans written on wall

    • Prit Patel says:

      Hindu religion and Hindus never created hate, bring peace and love all. Respects all religions, give respect, pay respects and visits Dargahs, Gurdhwaras, churches, Masjids and any kind of religious places hindus bow their head with respect and believe.

  1. Yogesh says:

    They don’t know what they are doing, forgive him my beloved God. All are not bad,many are good too, there are some illiterate one

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