Another First Nations Tragedy Unfolds – 751 Unmarked Graves found in Saskatchewan

25th June 2021 – It was less than a month ago when remains of 215 indigenous children were found at a former residential school site in British Columbia. Yesterday, another first nations tragedy has unfolded where 751 unmarked graves were found at the Marieval Indian Residential School in Saskatchewan.

The Cowessess First Nation, located 164 kilometers east of Regina, have discovered these unmarked graves through radar scanning. Chief Cadmus Delorme said “The Catholic church representatives removed the headstones and today they are unmarked graves.” While using the radar technology, the margin of error is 10-15%. Hence, the final number of unmarked graves could turn out to be more than what has been reported so far.

Support has been pouring in for the indigenous communities from all corners of the society after these recent discoveries. It is one of the darkest chapters in the Canadian history. It is feared by some that about 50,000 indigenous children at residential schools before they were finally closed in 1996. Despite calls to action on the Truth and Reconciliation Report dated 2015, there is much to be changed on ground. The indigenous community needs much more than sympathy or pity.

At HTC, we offer our deepest condolences to the departed souls. We cannot only sympathize but also empathize well with our indigenous brothers and sisters. Hindus have suffered similar genocide at mass levels for centuries and it is estimated that 70-80 million Hindus were murdered by the foreign invaders.

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