Planning for a vacation this summer; Make Sure Your House is Safe

8th July 2021 – It is that time of the year again when the weather is nice, days are long, kids have their summer holidays and as a family you want to go out more often. Perhaps, like others, you are also planning for a vacation, especially with less COVID-19 restrictions in place across the country. But the police informs that summer is also the time of the year when the house break-ins are at their peak.

Burglars and robbers have a merry time during the summer season of the year. Houses that are mostly targeted include:

  1. Corner Lots
  2. Houses with no-fence-backyard and other open spaces
  3. Houses that seem not ‘lived-in’ or are not maintained

So, what could you do to prevent burglary at your house while you are away? Here are some tips:

  1. Know your neighbors and honestly, treat them well 😊 Be a good Samaritan and agree to look after each other’s property
  2. Have your front- and back yard maintained to have clear lines of sight
  3. Have double locks at windows and sliding doors, wherever possible
  4. Put camera security in operations, if possible
  5. Cancel newspaper subscriptions during the vacation

A community organization in GTA, Indus Community Services is conducting Home Security Basics training in collaboration with Peel Police. The training would be available online on 21st July. One may register for the upcoming session (

Be safe and have a wonderful summer time!

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