8th December 2024 – In a tragic incident, a 20-year-old Indian international student was found dead in an apartment building in Edmonton. Edmonton Police Service (EPS) has arrested two individuals in relation to the death of this student.
On Friday, Dec. 6, 2024, at approximately 12:30 a.m., EPS officers responded to a report of a gunshot inside an apartment building in the area of 106 Street and 107 Avenue. Upon arrival, officers located an unresponsive 20-year-old male security guard Harshandeep Singh in a stairwell and immediately conducted first aid. EMS responded, treated and transported him to hospital where he was declared deceased.
Evan Rain, 30, and Judith Saulteaux, 30, were arrested and charged with 1st degree murder in relation to Singh’s death. Investigators recovered a weapon during the arrest and an autopsy is scheduled for Monday, Dec. 9, 2024.
The video of the shooting got captured in the CCTV camera of the apartment building.
Indian Consulate in Vancouver expressed its condolences to the family of the deceased. In a post on X, it wrote, “We r deeply saddened by the tragic death of Indian national Shri Harshandeep Singh who was shot dead in Edmonton on 6 Dec. 2 arrested & charged with first-degree murder. We will remain in close contact with authorities & provide required assistance to the bereaved family.”
As per a gofundme page created to support Harshandeep’s family, he came to Canada on a student visa about 1.5 years back and was the only son of his parents. He is being remembered as a kind-hearted and hardworking young man by his friends and family. Anyone who would like to donate and support the family, please click here.
Featured Image- – gofundme.com