Hindu Times Canada (HTC) is the creation of passionate individuals who notice a gap in the Canadian Hindu diaspora with respect to intra-community engagement. There is also very limited interaction with other friendly communities in Canada. HTC aims to bring out the latest news and analysis impacting the Hindu Diaspora in Canada and cover news from local to federal politics, religion, events among others. At HTC, we are driven by the Upanishadic teachings of “सत्यं वद। घर्मं चर” (Satyam vada; dharmam chara), i.e., Speak the truth, follow the path of righteousness.
Hindu Times of Canada has been founded to:
- Serve the interest of the Canadian Hindu community;
- Increase awareness in the Hindu diaspora of the local politics and government policies;
- Voice out the concerns of the Hindu community in Canada;
- Become an integrated and unified voice for Hindu causes;
- Be single window for all community-related news;
- Serve a platform of inter-community dialogues and interaction.
We are taking the first step (प्रथम पग) in the miles long journey and we know it is not going to be a cakewalk. Our resources are limited, but there is no dearth of passion, commitment and enthusiasm. We are small, but our dreams are not.